Friday, January 4, 2013

Entrepreneurs, Business Owners & Professionals Can Ask or ...


Quora members can ask or answer urgent questions in realtime.

Quora Logo

In November,?Quora?made its question and answer site even more valuable to time-sensitive information seekers with a new addition to its ?Ask to Answer? feature. Members can see when people who are knowledgeable about a question are ?Online Now? and available to answer immediately.


?One of the most amazing experiences on Quora is getting a great answer quickly. Fast answers are magical ? they satisfy your curiosity and help you make informed decisions. Fast answers are especially valuable when you are mobile and have questions that need answers right now.? -Joel Lewenstein, Quora Product Designer

For those not familiar with Quora, the?Palo Alto-based tech startup is a hybrid between crowdsourced online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, question and answer site, Yahoo! Answers, and micro-blogging social network, Twitter. Unlike other question and answer sites that are overrun by spam and unreliable information, Quora forces new members to register using their real names.

The resulting transparency creates a sense of accountability, responsibility and self-policing through up-and-down voting of answers.?This same ?quality control? of answers gives entrepreneurs, business owners and other professionals an opportunity to build up their reputation as a thought leader within their industry.

While some recommend using Quora to source content for their own site, the fact is that Quora ranks well with Google, can drive conversions and leads, and is a great resource for information and professional networking.

For more small business resources, follow?Firmology?on?Twitter?or?LinkedIn.

To contact the writer on this story: Philip Nowak in Chicago at Please?contact us?if you?d like to?submit a small business innovation story or small business tech startup, product or service.

Written by Philip Nowak

Philip Nowak is the founder of Firmology, a?small business news?and information media company focused on helping small business owners grow their business through technology and innovation.?You can find Philip on?Google+,?Twitter?and?LinkedIn.


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