Sunday, June 30, 2013

Still hot! Western heat wave takes its toll

The heat wave hammering much of the US West is setting records and taking its toll as air conditioners work overtime. Brush fires are a concern with Fourth of July fireworks for sale.

By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / June 30, 2013

Subrina Madrid, Sarah Hudak, and Jennifer Shackelford sit in the shallow waters along Boulder Beach at Lake Mead trying to escape the heat in Las Vegas.

Julie Jacobson/AP


As expected, the heat wave ranging from southern Arizona west and north to Sacramento, Boise, and Seattle has first responders working overtime, water slides and public swimming pools crowded, and zookeepers hosing down the elephants and feeding frozen trout to the tigers.

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The blistering heat appears to have caused at least one death so far: an elderly man living without air condition in Las Vegas, where temperatures were expected to reach 116.

At least seven people have been found dead in the last week in Arizona, likely tied to the brutal desert heat. Personnel were added to the Border Patrol search-and-rescue unit because of the danger to people trying to slip across the Mexican border, officials reported.

Temperatures hit 127 in Death Valley, Calif., Saturday and were expected to reach at least that high again Sunday. (The record there ? the highest ever recorded on Earth ? is 134 degrees, set in 1913.) At Furnace Creek, in Death Valley National Park, nighttime lows only dip down to the mid-90s.

Overnight temperatures remained high inland from the Pacific in California because cooling ocean breezes hadn?t wafted as far east as usual.

"We have more work than we can handle," Max Ghaly of Cathedral City Air Conditioning and Heating in Palm Springs, Calif., told CNN. "We're running all over the place trying to do what we can."

US Airways canceled 18 flights Saturday when the temperature in Phoenix inched past the 118-degree maximum for take-off.

In Northern California, record-breaking temperatures were recorded in Sacramento, where the high was 107 degrees; Marysville reached 109 degrees; and Stockton saw 106 degrees.

Cooling stations were set up to shelter the homeless and elderly people who can't afford to run their air conditioners. In Phoenix, Joe Arpaio, the famously hard-nosed sheriff who runs a tent jail, planned to distribute ice cream and cold towels to inmates this weekend.

Brush fires are a particular concern to firefighters ? more so now because Fourth of July fireworks have gone on sale in many places.

Officials said the extreme heat will continue until at least Tuesday.

"It's early in the heat season. Usually our hottest months are August and September. We're not even in July yet, but this is a massive high-pressure system and it's just smothering," Bill Patzert, a climatologist at the?NASA?Jet Propulsion Laboratory?in La Ca?ada Flintridge told the Los Angeles Times.

Some saw the heat wave as an opportunity to notch personal records.

Dan Kail was vacationing in Las Vegas from Pittsburgh when he heard that the temperature at Death Valley could approach 130 degrees this weekend. He didn?t hesitate to make a trip to the desert location that is typically the hottest place on the planet.

?Coming to Death Valley in the summertime has always been on the top of my bucket list,? he said. ?When I found out it might set a record I rented a car and drove straight over. If it goes above 130 I will have something to brag about.?

This report includes material from the Associated Press.


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Egypt erupts with protests demanding Morsi ouster

CAIRO (AP) ? Hundreds of thousands thronged the streets of Cairo and cities around the country Sunday and marched on the presidential palace, filling a broad avenue for blocks, in an attempt to force out the Islamist president with the most massive protests Egypt has seen in 2? years of turmoil.

In a sign of the explosive volatility of the country's divisions, a hard core of young opponents broke away from the rallies and attacked the main headquarters of President Mohammed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, pelting it with stones and firebombs until a raging fire erupted in the walled villa. During clashes, Brotherhood supporters opened fire on the attackers, and activists said three protesters were killed.

Fears were widespread that the two sides could be heading to a violent collision in coming days. Morsi made clear through a spokesman that he would not step down and his Islamist supporters vowed not to allow protesters to remove one of their own, brought to office in a legitimate vote. Thousands of Islamists massed not far from the presidential palace in support of Morsi, some of them prepared for a fight with makeshift armor and sticks.

At least five anti-Morsi protesters were killed Sunday in clashes and shootings in southern Egypt.

The protesters aimed to show by sheer numbers that the country has irrevocably turned against Morsi, a year to the day after he was inaugurated as Egypt's first freely elected president. But throughout the day and even up to midnight at the main rallying sites, fears of rampant violence did not materialize.

Instead the mood was largely festive as protesters at giant anti-Morsi rallies in Cairo's central Tahrir Square and outside the Ittihadiya palace spilled into side streets and across boulevards, waving flags, blowing whistles and chanting.

Fireworks went off overhead. Men and women, some with small children on their shoulders, beat drums, danced and sang, "By hook or by crook, we will bring Morsi down." Residents in nearby homes showered water on marchers below ? some carrying tents in preparation to camp outside the palace ? to cool them in the summer heat, and blew whistles and waved flags in support.

"Mubarak took only 18 days although he had behind him the security, intelligence and a large sector of Egyptians," said Amr Tawfeeq, an oil company employee marching toward Ittihadiya with a Christian friend. Morsi "won't take long. We want him out and we are ready to pay the price."

The massive outpouring against Morsi raises the question of what is next. Protesters have vowed to stay on the streets until he steps down, and organizers called for widespread labor strikes starting Monday. The president, in turn, appears to be hoping protests wane.

For weeks, Morsi's supporters have depicted the planned protest as a plot by Mubarak loyalists. But their claims were undermined by the extent of Sunday's rallies. In Cairo and a string of cities in the Nile Delta and on the Mediterranean coast, the protests topped even the biggest protests of the 2011's 18-day uprising, including the day Mubarak quit, Feb. 11, when giant crowds marched on Ittihadiya.

It is unclear now whether the opposition, which for months has demanded Morsi form a national unity government, would now accept any concessions short of his removal. The anticipated deadlock raises the question of whether the army, already deployed on the outskirts of cities, will intervene. Protesters believe the military would throw its weight behind them, tipping the balance against Morsi. The country's police, meanwhile, were hardly to be seen Sunday.

"If the Brothers think that we will give up and leave, they are mistaken," said lawyer Hossam Muhareb as he sat with a friend on a sidewalk near the presidential palace. "They will give up and leave after seeing our numbers."

Violence could send the situation spinning into explosive directions.

The fire at the Brotherhood headquarters, located on a plateau overlooking Cairo, sent smoke pouring in the air, even as youths clashed with Brotherhood supporters at the site. Three on the anti-Morsi side were shot to death, and 60 were wounded, an activist who monitored casualties at the hospital, Nazli Hussein, said.

Southern Egypt saw deadly attacks on anti-Morsi protests, and five people were killed. Two protesters were shot to death during clashes outside offices of the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, one in Beni Suef, the other in Fayoum.

In the city of Assiut, a stronghold of Islamists, gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire on a protest in which tens of thousands were participating,, killing one person, wounding four others and sending the crowd running.

The enraged protesters then marched on the nearby Freedom and Justice offices, where gunmen inside opened fire, killing two more, security officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk to the press. Clashes erupted, with protesters and security forces fighting side by side against Morsi's supporters.

At least 400 people were injured nationwide, the Health Ministry said.

Morsi, who has three years left in his term, said street protests cannot be used to overturn the results of a free election.

"There is no room for any talk against this constitutional legitimacy," he told Britain's The Guardian newspaper in an interview published Sunday, rejecting early elections.

If an elected president is forced out, "there will (be) people or opponents opposing the new president too, and a week or a month later, they will ask him to step down," he said.

Morsi was not at Ittihadiya as Sunday's rally took place ? he had moved to another nearby palace.

As the crowds massed, Morsi's spokesman Ihab Fahmi repeated the president's longstanding offer of dialogue with the opposition to resolve the nation's political crisis, calling it "the only framework through which we can reach understandings."

The opposition has repeatedly turned down his offers for dialogue, arguing that they were for show.

The demonstrations are the culmination of polarization and instability that have been building since Morsi's June 30, 2012, inauguration. The past year has seen multiple political crises, bouts of bloody clashes and a steadily worsening economy, with power outages, fuel shortages, rising prices and persistent lawlessness and crime.

In one camp are the president and his Islamist allies, including the Muslim Brotherhood and more hard-line groups. Morsi supporters accuse Mubarak loyalists of being behind the protests, aiming to overturn last year's election results, just as they argue that remnants of the old regime have sabotaged Morsi's attempts to deal with the nation's woes and bring reforms.

Hard-liners among them have also given the confrontation a sharply religious tone, denouncing Morsi's opponents as "enemies of God" and infidels.

On the other side is an array of secular and liberal Egyptians, moderate Muslims, Christians ? and what the opposition says is a broad sector of the general public that has turned against the Islamists. They say the Islamists have negated their election mandate by trying to monopolize power, infusing government with their supporters, forcing through a constitution they largely wrote and giving religious extremists a free hand, all while failing to manage the country.

"The country is only going backward. He's embarrassing us and making people hate Islam," said Donia Rashad, a 24-year-old unemployed woman who wears the conservative Islamic headscarf. "We need someone who can feel the people and is agreeable to the majority."

As they marched toward the presidential palace, some chanted, "You lied to us in the name of religion." The crowds, including women, children and elderly people, hoisted long banners in the colors of the Egyptian flag and raised red cards ? a sign of expulsion in soccer.

In Tahrir, chants of "erhal!", or "leave!" thundered around the square. The crowd, which appeared to number some 300,000, waved Egyptian flags and posters of Morsi with a red X over his face. They whistled and waved when military helicopters swooped close overhead, reflecting their belief that the army favors them over Morsi.

Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi warned a week ago that the military would intervene to prevent the nation from entering a "dark tunnel." Army troops backed by armored vehicles were deployed Sunday in some of Cairo's suburbs, with soldiers at traffic lights and major intersections. In the evening, they deployed near the international airport, state TV said.

Similarly sized crowds turned out in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria and the Nile Delta cities of Mansoura, Tanta and Damanhour, with sizeable rallies in cities nationwide.

"Today is the Brotherhood's last day in power," Suliman Mohammed, a manager of a seafood company, said in Tahrir.

The protests emerge from a petition campaign by a youth activist group known as Tamarod, Arabic for "Rebel." For several months, the group has been collecting signatures on a call for Morsi to step down.

On Saturday, the group announced it had more than 22 million signatures ? proof, it claims, that a broad sector of the public no longer wants Morsi in office.

It was not possible to verify the claim. If true, it would be nearly twice the some 13 million people who voted for Morsi in last year's presidential run-off election, which he won with around 52 percent of the vote. Tamarod organizers said they discarded about 100,000 signed forms because they were duplicates.

Morsi's supporters have questioned the authenticity of the signatures, but have produced no evidence of fraud.

Near Ittihadiya palace, thousands of Islamists gathered in a show of support for Morsi outside the Rabia al-Adawiya mosque. Some Morsi backers wore homemade body armor and construction helmets and carried shields and clubs ? precautions, they said, against possible violence.

At the pro-Morsi rally at the Rabia al-Adawiya mosque, the crowd chanted, "God is great," and some held up copies of Islam's holy book, the Quran.

"The people hold the legitimacy and we support Dr. Mohamed Morsi," said Ahmed Ramadan, one of the rally participants. "We would like to tell him not to be affected by the opponents' protests and not to give up his rights. We are here to support and protect him."


AP reporters Tony G. Gabriel and Mariam Rizk contributed to this report.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Electronic media reanimate magazine - Lifestyles - The Times-Tribune

While electronic media are often viewed as the Grim Reaper for traditional print publications, they also can breathe new life into fading titles. Such is the case with the former Life magazine, which now exists as an electronic publication at

Life became famous for its photojournalism, chronicling world-changing events, such as war and politics, as well as the popular culture of the day. Portraits of presidents, starlets, athletes and artists all graced its cover and inside pages over the years. The iconic image of a sailor kissing a nurse in New York City on VJ Day in 1945 first appeared in Life.

Life started in 1883 as a humor and general interest magazine full of the work of the best writers, illustrators and cartoonists of the day. It was transformed in 1936 by its new owners - who also published Time Magazine - into a photographic news magazine that was popular for decades. Eventually the magazine's circulation started dropping and it stopped and restarted publishing in various forms several times.

Electronic resuscitation

The printed version of Life has been deceased since 2007, but it has been reborn on the Internet. After brief partnerships with Google and Getty Images, Life now lives on as a photo website run by Time Warner.

The Internet always has had a split personality. On the one hand it's a valuable tool for research and commerce. On the other, it can be a mind-numbing time waster of incessant posts, likes, tweets and cat videos. exists somewhere between the two sides of the Web. While it's easy to burn up a good chunk of time browsing through the decades of photos in the site's archives, it's not necessarily wasted time. Because of the historical and cultural significance of many of the pictures, the time spent perusing them is a bit like research. You'll end up learning something in the process.

Looking back at Life

The website is basically just a collection of Life photo galleries, chronicling all aspects of life, going back to the 1930s. The galleries are organized into several categories: History, Culture, Icons, Curiosities and Photographers. Clicking on the links for one of the main categories brings up a list of clickable subcategories.

For instance, clicking on History brings up a list containing major wars, world leaders, politics, crime and more. Select Culture and you get numerous options including art, fashion, literature, sports, movies and many more. Icons consists of actors, actresses, athletes and musicians. Curiosities is a collection of images of unusual subjects, such as mutant bicycles or a honey bee market in the Netherlands. And finally, Photographers showcases the work of a long list of notable shutterbugs who have provided images for Life over the past eight decades.

Once you choose a category, a grid of related images is displayed. A large, featured subject is pictured at the top of the grid, with a series of smaller images arrayed below. Under each picture is a gray block with white numbers designating the decade the images are from and a brief description of the subject.

Click on the photo for the subject you want to view to bring up the gallery page. The gallery pages have a headline at the top with a large photo beneath it. The photo can be enlarged further to full-screen size. Forward and back arrows appear when you hover the cursor to the right or left of the image to navigate through the gallery. Each picture has a caption beneath it describing the circumstances and date. Under the gallery is an essay giving background information on the subject.

Easy living is easy to look at and easy to use. It has a simple yet dynamic color palette featuring a black background with white and gray type, and selected red text. The typography is unified with a clear hierarchy. The navigation is logical and intuitive. A search field and links to more content round out the site.

Viewing the site is a pleasant and even educational way to spend some time. Looking at historic events and notable people through the eyes of Life's talented photographers provides additional insight that just reading about them can't do.

KEVIN O'NEILL is a graphic artist for The Times-Tribune. Contact him at with links to your favorite websites.


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98% A Hijacking

All Critics (58) | Top Critics (17) | Fresh (57) | Rotten (1)

To refuse to call A Hijacking a thriller is not to say it isn't thrilling, in a dryly cerebral way.

It's the second feature from the young writer-director Tobias Lindholm, and it showcases his gift for tightly focused stories told without an ounce of fat.

Lindholm doesn't present the film as a procedural for hostage negotiations because he knows too well that there are too many movable parts, too many things that can go wrong.

Methodical and tense ... has the feel of something based on real-life events ... boils down to an arresting portrait of two men, with different backgrounds and abilities, doing everything they can not to break.

We're impatient for action, any kind of action - but preferably the sort that involves a team of Navy SEALs, maybe led by Dwayne Johnson. Instead, we get something like a merger meeting.

Hand-held camerawork, so often a confounded nuisance, here makes the conditions on board the Rozen feel nauseatingly urgent.

A Hijacking delivers all the thrills the title suggests, but in none of the places you'd expect them.

The danger never reaches the level of chaos, but the subtext and metaphor in the slow-moving humanistic commentary on the motivations and byproducts of capitalism make for an intriguing film.

A smart movie derived out of the small moments that collectively comprise the hostage experience, rather than grandiose gestures.

Lindholm's you-are-there docudrama works as a tense thriller, but themes of negotiation and the ability to empathize provide a rich subtext.

...slow, mostly talk, but tense and realistic...

The level of suspense in this riveting Danish thriller doesn't build in sweeping melodramatic fashion, but rather at a low-key simmer that emphasizes authentic character dynamics.

A Hijacking accomplishes a tricky task, generating tension through talk rather than action.

This absorbing chronicle of a hijacking in the Indian Ocean has the strengths of the best procedural dramas -- it assumes a distanced and objective tone and packs an emotional wallop.

Moment by moment we find ourselves wondering what will happen next...

Auteur Tobias Lindholm does a striking job in grabbing your attention and running with it as he succinctly tells the story of "A Hijacking."

A Hijacking is an absorbing, highly moving film that's lingered heavily on the mind for a couple of days now.

No quotes approved yet for A Hijacking. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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iShares: We Got a Volatile (Bond) Situation ? Three Investing Ideas ...

As a general rule, if you aren?t prone to thrill seeking, you tend to stay on the ground while others bungee jump. In a similar vein, investors who want to avoid the ups and downs of financial markets tend to favor bonds over equities.

Unfortunately, in recent weeks, many bond investors have suffered a nasty surprise.

The prospect of less monetary accommodation from the Federal Reserve (Fed) has sent bond market volatility to its highest level since late 2011, as the chart below shows.

But while the recent volatility spike has been a shock to many, it?s important to put it into context.

To start with, bond market volatility is rising from an unusually low level. Over the last couple of years, bond markets were unusually calm. In fact, as the chart above shows, the doubling of volatility since the spring represents a return to long-term average volatility rather than a bond market crisis. (The same is true of recent equity market volatility, which has also now reverted back to its long-term average.)

In addition, bonds aren?t the only more volatile asset class. Every asset class, from stocks to gold, has experienced a pronounced spike in volatility as investors digest the possible impact of the Fed tapering its bond buying program. And though tapering isn?t likely to derail the recovery, I expect that volatility is likely to continue in coming months as investors accustomed to ever looser monetary conditions adapt to tighter money.

So where does this leave bond investors worried about more of the same rocky road ahead? Here are three portfolio positioning suggestions:

1. As I?ve been recommending all year, be mindful of your bonds? duration. While I believe rates may pull back in the near term and I expect the 10-year Treasury note to finish the year around 2.5%, the long-term direction of interest rates is higher. This suggests investors may want to consider owning bonds with shorter maturities, which should be less sensitive to rising rates.

That said, investors should also recognize that an eventual hike in the Federal Funds rate will likely impact shorter duration funds.? Accordingly, investors should also consider floating rate products, which should adjust to increasing short-term rates. These are accessible through funds such as the iShares Floating Rate Note Fund (FLOT).

2. Consider more tactical allocations and bond funds. In an environment with steadily declining interest rates, a ?buy-and-hold? mentality worked. But in today?s more volatile interest rate environment, particularly with its upward bias, investors may benefit from a more flexible and opportunistic approach. This is especially true for investors looking to potentially increase income and reduce volatility.

One solution to consider along these lines is the BlackRock Strategic Income Opportunities Fund (SIO), which employs an adaptable investment approach across fixed income sectors without constraints on maturity, sector, quality or geography.

3. Overweight equities. To be sure, equity markets have also suffered recently and are generally more volatile than bonds. But I still prefer stocks over bonds in the long term, even for more income-oriented investors.

The main reason: valuation. Bonds still look expensive by almost any metric. In contrast, global equities appear reasonably priced. In addition, while investors will be taking on more risk by opting for equities over bonds, stocks can potentially provide a portfolio with some better long-term inflation protection.

Source: Bloomberg 6/25/13

Russ Koesterich, CFA, is the iShares Global Chief Investment Strategist.

The author is long FLOT.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Coming Up on 'This Week': Exclusive with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange (ABC News)

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News in Brief: Experimental type 1 diabetes treatment shows promise

Findings in small group hint that DNA-based therapy could work

By Nathan Seppa

Web edition: June 27, 2013

Using an experimental DNA-based therapy, scientists might slow the self-destructive immune reaction against insulin-making cells that causes type 1 diabetes. The finding, appearing in the June 26 Science Translational Medicine, represents a promising but preliminary advance toward devising a treatment for the condition, which often strikes in childhood.

Lawrence Steinman of Stanford University and his colleagues injected 26 volunteers weekly with placebos. Another 54 got the experimental treatment, which is designed to dampen the body?s immune reaction against insulin-making beta cells in the pancreas. In diabetes patients, rogue CD8 T cells attack a protein on beta cells called proinsulin, a precursor compound that becomes insulin after modification. The attack sabotages beta cells and insulin production.

The experimental treatment contains replacement DNA for the gene encoding proinsulin. Patients who received the DNA for 12 weeks apparently made altered proinsulin proteins that signal the immune system to rein in the rogue T cells. After five months, levels of the T cells declined in treated patients. The patients also showed stabilization and even improvement in measures of insulin production after 12 weeks, suggesting that the therapy might arrest beta cell destruction, the authors say. But both changes didn?t last long after treatment ended.


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No, the Voting Rights Act Is Not Dead (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Demi Lovato Speaks Of Father?s Death & Mental Illness (VIDEO)

Demi Lovato Speaks Of Father’s Death & Mental Illness (VIDEO)

Demi Lovato speaks of father's passingDemi Lovato has given her first televised interview following the death of her father over the weekend. The 20-year-old singer sat down with “Good Morning America” host Robin Roberts this morning to discuss her estranged father. Demi Lovato revealed her father, who had been battling cancer, also suffered with mental illness. Demi has suffered from ...

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Video: Legacy of Alex Rodriguez

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Rhapsody debuts app for Windows 8 at Microsoft Build 2013

Rhapsody debuts app for Windows 8 at Microsoft Build 2013

Today during Microsoft's 2013 edition of Build, Rhapsody announced that it's releasing a version of its music app designed for the Windows 8 operating system. As you might expect, the Win8 variant will bring many of the same features found on its iOS and Android counterparts, including the ability for subscribers to create playlists and stream / download songs from Rhapsody's ample library of tunes. There will be some tidbits tailored specifically for Redmond's OS, however, such as a Snap Mode for simple multitasking and an option that allows tracks to be pinned to the Metro-style home screen. The company told us the application will hit the Windows store shortly, so we'll be sure to update this post as soon as we have a link to the download.

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Source: Rhapsody


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Sharapova ousted in 2nd round by qualifier

LONDON (AP) ? Maria Sharapova has been knocked out of Wimbledon by a 131st-ranked qualifier on a day when injuries forced the withdrawal of seven other players.

The third-seeded Sharapova, the Wimbledon champion in 2004 champion, lost 6-3, 6-4 to Michelle Larcher de Brito of Portugal in the second round at the All England Club.

It's the second significant upset of the tournament, which is only in Day 3. Two-time men's champion Rafael Nadal was beaten on Monday by 135th-ranked Steve Darcis.

Sharapova slipped and fell several times on the grass on Court 2 and received medical treatment from the trainer in the second set.

The women's tournament also lost second-seeded Victoria Azarenka, who withdrew before her match with a knee injury. Sharapova and Azarenka had been considered the main challengers to five-time champion Serena Williams.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Saudi Arabia says Syrian war on rebels is 'genocide'

By Lesley Wroughton

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Tuesday the Syrian government's attempts to suppress a rebellion amounted to "genocide" and called for rebels to get military aid to defend themselves, in a sharp escalation of rhetoric over the conflict.

Speaking at a news conference with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Jeddah, Saudi foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal criticized Iran, Russia and Hezbollah for backing and arming Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"Syria is facing a double-edged attack. It is facing genocide by the government and an invasion from outside the government ... (It) is facing a massive flow of weapons to aid and abet that invasion and that genocide. This must end," he said.

The prince did not spell out what he meant by genocide but the kingdom has accused Assad of using air and artillery strikes against heavily populated civilian areas.

The Syrian war has also become increasingly sectarian, pitting the president, from an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam, against rebels mostly from the country's Sunni Muslim majority.

The fighting has accentuated sectarian divisions across the region. Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states have already sent arms to the insurgents, while analysts and diplomats say Shi'ite power Iran, along with Russia, is among Assad's main suppliers.

Prince Saud said the world's top oil exporter "cannot be silent" at the recent decision by Lebanese Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah to send fighters into Syria to back Assad - the latest sign of how Syria's neighbors are getting entangled.

"The most dangerous development is the foreign participation, represented by Hezbollah and other militias supported by the forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard," the prince said, repeating a call for rebels to be armed.

"The kingdom calls for issuing an unequivocal international resolution to halt the provision of arms to the Syrian regime and states the illegitimacy of the regime," he added.


Kerry has returned to the Middle East after a two-day visit to India and, his aides say, will continue efforts to strengthen the Syrian opposition and revive peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

In Jeddah, Kerry held discussions with Prince Saud and Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who coordinates the kingdom's efforts to topple Assad.

The discussions included Washington's plans for providing direct military support to General Salim Idriss of the Supreme Military Council, the military wing of Syria's main civilian opposition group.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said he will arm the rebels but has not disclosed what type of assistance he will provide.

Kerry is trying to ensure that the aid to the rebels is properly coordinated among the allies, in part out of concern that weapons could end up in the hands of extremist groups.

"Our goal is very clear, we cannot let this be a wider war. We cannot let this contribute to more bloodshed and prolongation of the agony of the people of Syria," he said at the conference.

A meeting between Kerry and European and Arab counterparts in Doha last week agreed to increase support for Syria's rebels although there was no consensus over providing arms, with Germany and Italy strongly opposed.

More than 93,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, which began as a protest movement against Assad.

(Reporting By Mahmoud Habboush and Lesley Wroughton, Editing by Angus McDowall and Andrew Heavens)


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'Titanfall' developer explains why the game won't be on PS4, and the ...


The next-gen mech shooter Titanfall would not be possible without Microsoft?s Xbox One cloud services, according to Respawn Entertainment engineer Jon Shiring. The cloud is tied into Microsoft?s controversial online policies for the new console, and it?s been the subject of confusion and ire from gamers. Shiring took to?Respawn?s blog?to explain the benefits from a developer?s perspective.

According to Shiring, Microsoft?s dedicated servers are the perfect solution to a long-standing problem. Console games with online multiplayer aspects typically use player-hosted servers because dedicated servers are expensive and tough to implement, but dedicated servers offer a superior experience. Microsoft?s dedicated cloud servers allow Respawn to implement more and better AI, physics, and environments, eliminate the ?host advantage? that plagues many online games, thwart some forms of cheating, boost matchmaking speeds, eliminate the need to pause the game when the host player quits, and improve visuals and audio by taking full advantage of the console hardware and leaving other tasks to the cloud processors.

The cloud services aren?t limited to Xbox One games either, and Respawn uses them for the Windows PC and Xbox 360 versions of?Titanfall as well. Respawn approached both Sony and Microsoft about this problem, and Microsoft was the one to implement a solution, Shiring writes.

?Microsoft realized that player-hosted servers are actually holding back online gaming and that this is something that they could help solve, and ran full-speed with this idea,? he writes. ?So they built this powerful system to let us create all sorts of tasks that they will run for us, and it can scale up and down automatically as players come and go.?

?We?want to focus on making awesome games, not on becoming giant worldwide server hosting providers,? he continues. ?The more time I can spend on making our actual game better, the more our players benefit.?




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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Central Banks Build Gold Reserves At Bargain Prices -- Morgan Gold

June 25, 2013

James O'Dell

June 25, 2013, Los Angeles ? Gold inched closer to a three year low on Monday, as the precious metal dipped 1.06 percent or $13.70 to close at $1,282.00 an ounce, pressured by a stronger dollar amid investor concerns that the Fed will end its nearly five year old quantitative easing (QE) program by mid-2014. The price to invest in Silver slid 2.09 percent or $0.42 to close at $19.65 an ounce, while the Gold/Silver ratio climbed to 65.24, a near three year high, as Silver under-performed Gold.

Gold?s bull market remains intact according to Schroder Investment Management Ltd., and as stocks and bonds decline, investors will seek out insurance against growing economic and political risks, that's when demand for Gold will soar once again. Former U.S. Mint Director and Morgan Gold's chief strategist Edmund Moy said recently, "...Overall physical Gold demand remains strong. While the subjective view is that the economy is moderately improving, the objective view is that the recovery is very fragile, uneven, and compared to a normal economy, still in very bad shape.? Expect continued strong demand for physical Gold amidst very volatile Gold prices."

Many feel Fed Chairman Bernanke may be forced to expand QE later in the year, not reduce it, as the economy continues to falter. "Right now equities, bonds and Gold are very over-sold," says Dr. Marc Faber, author of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, "and they could easily rally." When compared to equities, however, "sentiment in bonds and Gold is incredibly negative. In other words, as a contrarian I would rather buy bonds and Gold than equities," explained Faber.

Meanwhile, the month of May makes eight straight months that both Russia and Kazakhstan have expanded their Gold reserves. International Monetary Fund (IMF) data show that Russia's holdings are now seventh in the world, by country, after adding another 6.2 tons, pushing its total holdings to 996.2 tons. Kazakhstan added 4 tons, taking their total holdings to 129.5 tons, an increase of 12 percent this year, following an expansion of 41 percent in 2012. Don't leave your assets unprotected during these times of economic and geopolitical uncertainty, invest in Gold and invest in Silver and protect your wealth in 2013.??

You can browse and buy a Gold coin or a Silver bar, quite easily at Gold-backed IRA provider Morgan Gold and they can be stored in a safe-deposit box if needed. Join our 38th Director of the U.S. Mint, and Morgan Gold?s Chief Strategist, Edmund C. Moy, and?? add physical Gold to your IRA Today.?? Hear Mr. Moy speak on Gold and your retirement. Let our team at Morgan Gold help you diversify your portfolio today by calling us Toll Free at 1.800.585.1773.

We assisted Mr. Moy in setting up his Gold IRA retirement account, and he liked us so much?he joined us. We hope you will too. Let us start you in a new Self Directed Gold IRA or a 401k Gold Today. Get your Gold or Silver IRA today and stay in touch with Morgan Gold's latest news by clicking here Facebook and Twitter. Please join us today and become a fan and a follower.


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Blackhawks storm back to beat Bruins for Stanley Cup

The Chicago Blackhawks were down a goal to the Boston Bruins late in Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final. In the closing minutes, the Blackhawks scored twice to win their second NHL championship in four years.

By Pat Murphy,?Staff / June 25, 2013

Chicago Blackhawks' Jonathan Toews hoists the Stanley Cup after defeating the Boston Bruins 3-2 in Game 6 to win the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Finals, Monday, June 24, 2013, in Boston.

Charles Krupa/AP


The Chicago Blackhawks came from behind with two goals less than 20 seconds apart late in the third period of Game 6 Monday night to defeat the Boston Bruins, 3-2, clinching the team's second Stanley Cup championship in four years.

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Going into the contest, Chicago held a three games to two series lead. The Bruins, on their home ice, had gamely and methodically built a 2-1 lead in the third period on the stick of bruising forward Milan Lucic.

Then, with the clock ticking down towards a Game 7 matchup Wednesday night in Chicago, the Blackhawks struck with a quickness reflected in the lightning that lit up the skies over the greater Boston area just before and during Game 6.

First, Chicago center and captain Jonathan Toews made a nifty pass to linemate Brad Bickell, who tied the score at 2 from in front of the Boston goal with 1:16 left in regulation. The Blackhawks had just lifted goalie Corey Crawford for an extra attacker as the scoring play developed.

Then, just 17.7 seconds later, Dave Bolland corralled a shot off the Boston net post by teammate Johnny Oduya and slipped the puck past Bruins goalie Tuukka Rask for the decisive score.

Now down a goal, the Bruins tried to get the equalizer by also pulling Rask for the extra skater. But Chicago's defense kept the puck away from the net and the final horn sounded.

"It's the greatest feeling in the world," Chicago coach Joel Quenneville told reporters after the game. "Once you win one, you can't wait to do it again, but it's a hard road. We had some great hurdles, some great ups and downs here, but what a finish. I'm so happy for the guys."

For Chicago fans, the improbable victory set off a raucous celebration Monday night that lasted into Tuesday morning when Blackhawk players brought the Stanley Cup to several establishments in the Windy City.

As for Bruins fans, it will be a summer of "what-ifs"as their team came up just short in their quest for a second Stanley Cup in three years. Granted, Chicago had a number of skaters playing hurt. But what if Boston centers Gregory Campbell and Patrice Bergeron were available at close to full strength? What if the Bruins had quicker defensemen as the Blackhawks buzzed around the Boston net? What if late-season acquisition Jaromir Jagr had been able to buy a goal in this last playoff series?

"It's a tough way to lose a game, tough way to lose a series," Bruins captain Zdeno Chara said afterwards.

All these Bruins questions and more will be digested over the summer as the Blackhawks and their fans celebrate winning the franchise's fifth Stanley Cup, emblematic of NHL supremacy.


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Friday, June 21, 2013

Too green to be true? Highly effective method for converting CO2 into methanol

June 20, 2013 ? Universit? Laval researchers have developed a highly effective method for converting CO2 into methanol, which can be used as a low-emissions fuel for vehicles. The team led by Professor Fr?d?ric-Georges Fontaine presents the details of this discovery in the latest issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Researchers have been looking for a way to convert carbon dioxide into methanol in a single step using energy-efficient processes for years. "In the presence of oxygen, methanol combustion produces CO2 and water," explained Professor Fontaine. "Chemists are looking for catalysts that would yield the opposite reaction. That would allow us to slash greenhouse gas emissions by synthesizing a fuel that would reduce our dependence on fossil fuels."

The catalyst developed by Fr?d?ric-Georges Fontaine and his team is made of two chemical groups. The first is borane, a compound of boron, carbon, and hydrogen. The second, phosphine, is made up of phosphorus, carbon, and hydrogen. "Unlike most catalysts developed thus far to convert CO2 into methanol, ours contains no metal, which reduces both the costs and toxic hazard of the catalyst," added the chemistry professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

CO2 to methanol catalysis requires a source of hydrogen and chemical energy. The researchers had the idea of using a compound called hydroborane (BH3), and the results have been spectacular. The reaction achieved is two times more effective than the best catalyst known -- and it produces little waste. What makes the discovery even more compelling is the fact that the chemical reaction does not damage the catalyst, which can be reactivated by adding new substrate.

The only downside of the operation is the price tag. "Our approach to creating methanol is highly effective from a chemistry standpoint, but for now the process is expensive," explained Professor Fontaine. "It takes a lot of energy to synthesize hydroborane, which makes it more expensive than methanol. We are working on ways to make the process more profitable by optimizing the reaction and exploring other hydrogen sources."


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Monday, June 17, 2013

Apple got up to 5,000 data requests in six months

(Reuters) - Apple received over the last six months between 4,000 and 5,000 requests for customer data from U.S. law enforcement authorities relating to criminal investigations and national security matters, the company said on Monday.

Microsoft and Facebook Inc published similar data last week after reaching a deal about disclosures with U.S. national security authorities.

"We have asked the U.S. government for permission to report how many requests we receive related to national security and how we handle them. We have been authorized to share some of that data," Apple said.

In a statement posted on its website Apple said that the requests were received from December 1 2012 to May 31 2013, and between 9,000 and 10,000 accounts or devices were specified in those requests, which came from federal, state and local authorities. (

The most common form of request came from police investigating robberies and other crimes, searching for missing children, trying to locate a patient with Alzheimer's disease, or hoping to prevent a suicide, it said.

"Apple has always placed a priority on protecting our customers' personal data, and we don't collect or maintain a mountain of personal details about our customers in the first place," the company said.

Apple said conversations which take place over iMessage and FaceTime are "protected by end-to-end encryption so no one but the sender and receiver can see or read them. Apple cannot decrypt that data".

(Reporting by Sakthi Prasad in Bangalore; Editing by Greg Mahlich)


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More anti-government protests occur in Bulgaria

SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) ? Bulgaria's prime minister said Monday that Parliament's appointment of a media mogul as the nation's security chief was a mistake, but that his government will not resign over it.

Several thousand people took to the streets of Sofia, the capital, and other cities on Monday, the fourth day of demonstrations demanding that the government resign over the appointment of Delyan Peevski, who has no experience in security, as the head of Bulgaria's national security agency.

Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski, whose government came to power two weeks ago, said the legislature's appointment, made on Friday after no debate, was a mistake, and that he will consult with the public before a new security chief is appointed.

Citing the protests, Peevski announced Saturday that he will resign. Oresharski said Monday that he has accepted that, but the final decision is Parliament's.

Peevski's mother, Irena Krasteva, owns several dailies, weeklies and television stations in Bulgaria, but he is believed to have a strong influence over their editorial policies.

Street protests in February against high energy bills, poverty and corruption brought down the previous center-right government of Prime Minister Boiko Borisov.

The current government, backed by the Socialists and a smaller ethnic Turkish party, was formed after a May 12 election. Together the two groups have 120 seats in the 240-member Parliament, which makes it difficult for them to reform the country's ailing economy.

On Monday, several thousand people rallied in front of government headquarters in Sofia to demand the government step down. Police stepped-up security, cordoning off the building with metal barriers, but the demonstrations have been peaceful.

Blowing whistles and waving the national flag, the protesters shouted slogans such as "Red Garbage!" ''Mafia!" and "Resignation!" They demanded more transparency from government.

Many of the protesters said they have had enough of the "behind-the-scenes" deals involving politicians and powerful businessmen they accuse of corruption. The demonstrators demanded early elections now.

President Rosen Plevneliev said he will convene the national security council on Thursday and called on all parties to come up with solutions to end the political crisis.


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Tianhe-2 supercomputer claims the lead in Top 500 list, thanks its 3.1 million processor cores

As predicted, Chinese supercomputer Tianhe-2 (also known as the Milky Way-2) has now been crowned the most powerful supercomputer in the world. Arriving years ahead of schedule, and packing 32,000 Xeon processors alongside 48,000 Xeon Phi accelerator processors, the supercomputer can manage a quadrillion mathematical calculations per second (33.85 petaflops), double that of last year's king (and closest rival), the Titan. In this year's results, 80 percent of the Top 500 used Intel processors, while 67 percent had processors with eight or more cores -- as clock speeds stall, supercomputer development has now focused on processors running in parallel. Top 500 editor Jack Dongarra adds that "most of the features of the [Tianhe-2] system were developed in China, and they are only using Intel for the main compute part," meaning that you can expect to see more Chinese entrants (and possibly champions) over the next few years. For now, however, the US still claims the majority of the Top 500, with 253 top-ranking supercomputers.

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Source: Top 500


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Magician likely to miss St James's Palace Stakes ? Horseracing news

Magician likely to miss St James?s Palace Stakes ? Horseracing news

Magician is set to miss the St James?s Palace Stakes due to a minor injury. However, his team has not made any final call yet and will decide later.

According to trainer Aidan O?Brien, ?He (Magician) gave himself a knock yesterday on the outside of his off-hind leg. We think it happened in his box. He was 100 per cent sound today but just to be on the safe side we will make a final decision on Sunday.?

The three-year-old colt was in impressive form and had been delivering some class results for his team lately. His strike rate was not so good when he ended the 2012 season, but things started moving in the positive direction this year. Therefore, it will be a huge disappointment for his camp, if he misses out on the St James?s Palace Stakes.

In case the Irish runner fails to make an appearance in the upcoming event, he will be replaced by Mars, who is a bit low on confidence at the moment. He started off his career with an impressive victory, but failed to carry on with the same momentum afterwards.

The track conditions might also play a role in Magician?s participation at the Royal Ascot and his camp will be hoping for some good news. If the ground becomes softer, it will definitely work in favour of O?Brien?s trainee.

According to the clerk of the course at Ascot Chris Stickels, ?We're forecast a spell of rain overnight of between 3mm and 4mm and if that arrives all well and good. However, if it doesn't the ground will become good to firm and I'll have to consider putting some water on, possibly tomorrow afternoon. But the forecast is very changeable at the moment and that makes things a bit tricky.?

Meanwhile Dawn Approach is set to make a comeback in the St James?s Palace Stakes, which might be one of the reasons why Magician is pulling out of the contest. Although most of the horseracing fans were looking forward to this contest, they will now be disappointed with the injury news to the latter of the two stallions.


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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Judge's ruling challenges US transplant system

WASHINGTON (AP) ? It's a life or death matter: Who gets the next scarce donated organ? In an unprecedented challenge to the nation's transplant system, a federal judge has allowed one dying child ? and a day later another ? to essentially jump the line in rulings that could have ramifications for thousands of people awaiting new organs.

Over and over, the nation debates the fairness of transplant policies, from Mickey Mantle's liver in the 1990s to people today who cut their wait times by moving to another city where the list is shorter. But back-to-back rulings by a federal judge this week appear to be a legal first that specialists expect to prompt more lawsuits from people seeking a shorter wait, just like the parents of two patients in a Philadelphia hospital ? 10-year-old Sarah Murnaghan and 11-year-old Javier Acosta.

"People who have privilege or people who complain more loudly or have political voice shouldn't be able to claim special treatment," said Lawrence O. Gostin, a prominent health law professor at Georgetown University, who questioned the legal basis of the rulings. Transplant policies aim to be "fair and just for everyone, not just for that one heart-wrenching case."

Johns Hopkins University transplant surgeon Dr. Dorry Segev put it more starkly: "Every choice that is made in transplantation in favor of one patient means the likely death on the list for another patient."

Indeed, when Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius refused to intervene in Sarah's case, she pointed out that three other children also at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia were in the same condition, and 40 other seriously ill Pennsylvanians over the age of 12 also were awaiting a lung transplant.

The Murnaghans challenged a lung transplant policy that matches children under 12 with pediatric donors, who are rare, or offers them adult lungs only after adolescents and adults on the waiting list have a chance at them. The family said Sarah will die without a new set of lungs soon and argued that children under 12 should have equal access to adult donations. Javier Acosta's family of New York City filed a similar lawsuit Thursday, saying he may die on the waiting list like his brother did two years ago. Like Sarah, Javier's lungs have been destroyed by cystic fibrosis.

"The problem is, we can't build a system around making exceptions for everybody that isn't getting the transplant when they need it," Dr. John Roberts, who heads the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network's board, said Thursday.

The bigger issue that these lawsuits raise: Should the nation's transplant policy be changed so that children always get preference? Roberts said that is a fair question that society needs to debate, and if so, what age to set as the cutoff. Do 16-year-olds get the same preference as grade-schoolers?

Segev, the Hopkins surgeon who transplants kidneys and livers, offers a tougher example: What if an organ was available that would give a 25-year-old a 98 percent chance of success and a 15-year-old a 5 percent chance of success ? who gets it, especially if the 15-year-old is a little sicker?

Transplant policies vary widely by organ, and Roberts said the under-12 policy for lungs accounts for younger children's different medical needs. They're particularly hard to transplant, children don't tend to fare as well and adult lungs don't always fit them. The policy includes steps to increase access: Lungs donated by 12- to 17-year-olds are first offered to patients that age and then to younger children before they're offered to adults, for example.

It's a balancing act that is set not just by doctors, but by committees that include transplant recipients, patient advocates and ethicists. The goals include limiting wait times and getting organs to patients who stand the best chance of success.

Segev said the biggest disparity in the country isn't about children but geography: In some areas, people donate more organs, allowing patients to shop around for shorter lines and even get on more than one list if they have the means to get to a far-away hospital within hours of an organ becoming available. For instance, Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 2009 liver transplant was in Tennessee, where the wait was much shorter than back home in California.

Then there are questions about people who need a transplant because of diseases caused by poor lifestyle choices. Nearly 1 in 5 liver transplants goes to current or former heavy drinkers, like Mickey Mantle back in the 1990s. Many transplant centers now require patients awaiting a new liver to give up drinking for six months to qualify.

Roberts compared setting transplant policies to a deadly game of musical chairs ? there just aren't enough organs to around so that everyone has a shot at winning, something that would change if only more people were organ donors.

"If everybody wants us to always have a chair for the kids, we can but who else is that going to hurt?" Roberts said. "These are terrible decisions that have to be made when you don't have enough organs."


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