Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Google Now available on iOS devices starting today

Google Now available on iOS devices starting today

When it comes to major news, we didn't expect to hear much from Google in the run-up to I/O, but clearly, the company just couldn't wait that long. Google Now, a service that Android users have enjoyed for a year, just became available on iOS devices in the form of an update to the Google Search app, confirming those leaked videos we saw a few weeks ago. It won't have integration with notifications or alerts at launch -- it may come in a future update, but the company wasn't willing to divulge its future plans -- so you'll need to enter the app and swipe up to refresh your list of cards. The iOS version won't have every type of card that you'll find on Android, either: boarding passes, activity summary, events, concerts, Fandango and Zillow aren't included this go-round. Improvements and additional features will likely trickle in over time, but it's certainly better than nothing for iOS fans who've looked at Jelly Bean users with a slightly jealous eye. We've included Google's blog post in its entirety below, and you can jump to More Coverage to download the app.

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Source: The Official Google Blog, iTunes

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/29/google-now-ios/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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American Medical Association questions Guantanamo force-feedings

By Jane Sutton

MIAMI (Reuters) - The Navy sent extra medical personnel to the Guantanamo detention camp because of a growing hunger strike, and the American Medical Association questioned whether doctors were being asked to violate their ethics by force-feeding prisoners.

The reinforcements arrived at the weekend and included about 40 nurses, specialists and hospital corpsmen, who are trained to provide basic medical care, Army Lieutenant Colonel Samuel House, a spokesman for the detention camp said, said on Monday.

He said 100 of the 166 detainees had joined a hunger strike that began in February to protest their continued detention at the Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in eastern Cuba. Twenty-one of those had lost enough weight that they were being fed liquid supplements via tubes inserted in their noses and down into their stomachs, House said.

Five were in the hospital for observation but did not have life-threatening conditions, he said.

On Thursday, the president of the American Medical Association sent a letter to U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterating its long-held position that it is a violation of medical ethics to force-feed mentally competent adults who refuse food and life-saving treatment.

The letter from the AMA's president, Dr. Jeremy Lazarus, stopped short of asking Hagel to halt force-feedings at Guantanamo.

It urged the defense secretary "to address any situation in which a physician may be asked to violate the ethical standards of his or her profession."

Hagel had just returned from a trip to the Middle East and it was unclear whether he had seen the letter, said Pentagon spokesman Army Lieutenant Colonel Todd Breasseale.

Asked if military doctors had raised ethical concerns about being asked to perform force-feedings, Breasseale said, "I can tell you there have been no organized efforts, but I cannot speak for individual physicians.

"I can tell you that we will not allow detainees to harm themselves, and this includes attempts at suicide - including self-induced and peer-pressured starvation to death," he said.

The military has said that some prisoners are pressuring others to join the hunger strike, and that some of those being tube-fed occasionally eat regular meals or voluntarily drink nutritional supplements when they are removed from their cell blocks and are alone with medical personnel.

"It has been the case all along," House said. "Some will eat one meal, and are tube-fed during another, while drinking nutrient at another meal ... Once they are approved (for tube-feeding) they are given the choice."

Military officials say the feedings are done gently, using soft, flexible, lubricated tubes.

Attorney David Remes, who was notified by the military that his Yemeni client, Yasin Ismael, was being tube-fed, gave a starkly different description.

"It can be extremely painful. One of my clients said that it's like having a razor blade go down through your nose and into your throat," Remes said.

He said detainees who resist tube-feedings were forcibly removed from their cells by soldiers in riot gear. "It's really like the way you would treat an animal," he said.

All sides blame the hunger strike on detainee frustration over the Obama administration's failure to carry out its promise to close the detention camp by 2010.

(Additional reporting by Lisa Lewnes in Washington; Editing by Kenneth Barry)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/american-medical-association-questions-guantanamo-force-feedings-195833521.html

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Some are overlooked in US immigration overhaul

SAN DIEGO (AP) ? Carlos Gonzalez has lived nearly all his 29 years in a country he considers home but now finds himself on the wrong side of the border ? and the wrong side of a proposed overhaul of the U.S. immigration system that would grant legal status to millions of people.

Gonzalez was deported to Tijuana, Mexico, from Santa Barbara in December, one of nearly 2 million removals from the United States since Barack Obama was first elected president.

"I have nobody here," said Gonzalez, who serves breakfasts in a Tijuana migrant shelter while nursing a foot that fractured in 10 places when he jumped the border fence in a failed attempt to rejoin his mother, two brothers and extended family in California. "The United States is all I know."

While a Senate bill introduced earlier this month would bring many of the estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally out of the shadows, not everyone would benefit. They include anyone who arrived after Dec. 31, 2011, those with gay partners legally in the U.S., siblings of U.S. citizens and many deportees such as Gonzalez.

With net immigration from Mexico near zero, the number who came to the U.S. since January 2012 is believed to be relatively small, possibly a few hundred thousand. They include Isaac Jimenez, 45, who paid a smuggler $4,800 to guide him across the California desert in August to reunite with his wife and children in Fresno.

"My children are here, everything is here for me," Jimenez said from Fresno. He lived in the U.S. illegally since 1998 and returned voluntarily to southern Mexico last year to see his mother before she died.

So far, advocates on the left have shown limited appetite to fight for expanded coverage as they brace for a tough battle in Congress. Some take aim at other provisions of the sweeping legislation, like a 13-year track to citizenship they consider too long and $4.5 billion for increased border security.

"It's not going to include everybody," said Laura Lichter, president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. "It's not perfect. I think you hear a lot of people saying, 'Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good,' and this is good."

Peter Nunez, who supports restrictive policies as chairman of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, rates the bill an 8 or 9 on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most inclusive. He criticizes a measure that allows deportees without criminal histories to apply for permission to return if they have spouses or children in the U.S. legally, a step that supporters say would reunite families.

"I just don't understand why we are going to basically undo a deportation," said Nunez, a former U.S. attorney in San Diego.

Senate negotiators were more forgiving of criminal records than the Obama administration was when it granted temporary work permits last year to many who came to the U.S. as children. The administration disqualified anyone with a single misdemeanor conviction of driving under the influence, domestic violence, drug dealing or certain other crimes. The Senate bill says only that three misdemeanors or a single felony make someone ineligible.

Deportations topped 400,000 in fiscal 2012, more than double from seven years earlier, sending Mexicans to border cities like Tijuana where they often struggle to find work. The Padre Chava migrant shelter serves breakfast to 1,100 people daily in a bright yellow building that opened three years ago because it outgrew its old quarters. Director Ernesto Hernandez estimates 75 percent are deported.

"Many come wearing sneakers that cost hundreds of dollars and nothing in their pockets," Hernandez said.

About 10 percent of the shelter's deportees speak little or no Spanish, including Salvador Herrera IV, 28, who came to the U.S. when he was 2 in the back seat of a car and grew up skateboarding and playing basketball in Long Beach. With a conviction for grand theft auto putting his legal status out of the question, he is considering paying $8,000 for someone else's identity documents to try to return illegally to Southern California.

"I'm basically American," he said. "I'm a beach boy. I do American stuff."

Many at the shelter have convictions for DUI or domestic violence, said Hernandez, reflecting the Obama administration's priority to target anyone with criminal records for deportation.

Gonzalez was arrested in Santa Barbara on suspicion of disorderly conduct, landing him in Tijuana for New Year's Eve. He said he had several misdemeanor convictions, including a DUI, which he committed shortly after turning 18.

"That's when you party a lot and you think it's not going to matter," he said.

Gonzalez was born in Cuernavaca, south of Mexico City, and came to the U.S. by plane when he was 2 years old, never leaving Santa Barbara. After graduating from Santa Barbara High School in 2002, he took automotive classes at community college, worked about four years at a Jiffy Lube outlet and held jobs as a mechanic, gardener and telemarketer in the picturesque California coastal city of 90,000 people.

Gonzalez doesn't know where he will settle after his foot heals. His family helped with more than $3,000 in medical expenses, including a metal rod that holds a toe together.

He may try to find an aunt in Cuernavaca but doesn't have her phone number or address.

"I never thought I would be in this predicament," he said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/overlooked-us-immigration-overhaul-182243975.html

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Monday, April 29, 2013

These Japanese Wooden Pens Are Perfectly Elegant

You know, there's nothing quite like finding the perfect writing instrument. It's a wordsmith's holy grail of sorts. And we love these elegant new pens from Japanese brand Miidori.

The smooth ebony and tulipwood pens come in two colors options, and they'll arrive on your doorstep in a nice little box. Sure, they'll run you $65, but a quality pen makes a statement, and you probably won't want to write with anything else. [Monocole via Acquire]

Source: http://gizmodo.com/these-japanese-wooden-pens-are-perfectly-elegant-484695075

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Monday, April 8, 2013

How To Stop Struggling With Success | Starting An Online Business ...

wrestling with successAre YOU Struggling With Success?

As you may have noticed, I have not blogged here in almost two years. During that time, I?ve been trying one latest thing after another which has landed me right back where I started. Nowhere! However, I have recently made some life-altering discoveries I want to share with you in the hope that you?ll get back on track much faster than I did. Let?s start from the top.

It?s Important To Care About What You Do

What I mean here is trying to make your business just about throwing up as many sites as you can and hoping something sticks is a BAD business model. I know people who do this and are successful at it. I know they also work more than 12 hours per day and take very little breaks or vacations.

Is that your definition of success?

I also know for them to accomplish this model there is a HUGE amount of time and money wasted that could be used to make something they?re really passionate about one hundred times better. I know we?ve gone through what I?ll call ?seasons? of internet marketing.

First, we had the groundbreakers in the mid to late 1990s who were the first or only people in an online niche and profited more from this fact than the quality of the content they provided.

Next, we had the ?I can do it all? marketers who had some technical proficiency in one area of online business and forced themselves to learn many others to keep costs down. This is closer to the time that I first got online. It wasn?t until many years into this I realized the major reason we had to try to contain costs is because our business model necessitated it. Money was bleeding from the tons of inefficient activities we were engaging in making it necessary to try to plug it in the areas we felt we could control like outsourcing. Sure, we?d pay 100 bucks a month for a link building ?strategy? (read scheme), but the thought of giving a webmaster responsibility for our online properties we saw as a ludicrous waste of income.? I was just about finished with this whole internet business thing when a big bomb dropped?

My father passed away.

Taking A Hard Look At My Life

It was my father?s passing that I most credit for me taking the hardest look at my life. I wasn?t living the life I envisioned when I started this business and I wasn?t heading in the right direction. It made me stop and ask what is really important to me and my family. Sure, I?d had some success here and there but I wasn?t really doing anything I considered noble or important. I started searching around for a mentor and I found Dan Miller of ?48 Days to the Work You Love? fame. I started following his podcast and reading his blog. His basic tenet is this: you don?t have to do work you love OR make money. You can and should do both. In fact, the people who are the most successful have done it doing something they love. He further believes that to be successful in life you have to make deposits into many areas of your life: financial, social, spiritual and physical among them. Finding somebody who?s not trying to tactically sacrifice one area or another for ultimate success is a real eye-opener.

The other thing I began to see is the effect our mindset has on success. I?ve learned that you get more of what you focus on and it?s your choice if that?s going to be positive or negative thoughts. This goes way beyond the glass half full thinking. I have noticed for some time that when I would look at a desired outcome I would think of it in terms of how it was NOT going to happen rather than how it would. This shuts down your creativity in a way that?s hard to measure. Conversely, seeing how you CAN make something work opens your creative mind up to possibilities you would never have considered otherwise. Funny thing is you expend an equal amount of mental energy either way.

If you take nothing away from this post but the preceding paragraph, you will have made a major impact on your life!

In the same vein, I?ve found The Science of Getting Rich and their Practical Geniuses course. I know this sounds like a scammy, get-rich-quick scheme but it?s actually a mindset hack. The basic premise is along the lines of the Law of Attraction but the book was written way before that. Basically, if you decided clearly what it is that you want in life and focus on it every day you can make it come your way. Most people stumble in creating a clear vision and then keeping it in their minds through to completion. I?m certainly a novice but completely believe in its power.

Dan Miller led me to Michael Hyatt who was the former CEO of Thomas Nelson publishing. He has taught me a ton about intentional leadership and integrity. I haven?t yet read his latest book, ?Platform: How To Get Noticed in a Noisy World? but it?s on my to-read list on Amazon. This guy doesn?t give you the ?I?m great and here?s why? mentality either. He talks all the time about his struggles with producing the best content, making the best decisions while keeping his life together. His transparency is refreshing and inspiring. He?s a big believer that the product you actually produce is light years ahead of the one you never start.

I?ve become a podcast junkie. In a kind of daisy-chain way, I?ve found Entrepreneur On Fire, Smart Passive Income, Internet Business Mastery, Zig Ziglar Michael Hyatt and Tara Brach. Each of these has contributed to the mind-shift underway currently. I?ll be talking about each of these in future posts. For now, suffice it to say that they range from getting me to appreciate this moment (Tara Brach) to actionable business advice (Smart Passive Income, Internet Business Mastery, Michael Hyatt) to hearing how successful entrepreneurs got to be that way (Entrepreneur On Fire, Michael Hyatt, Zig Ziglar).

What Have I Learned So Far?

We each have within ourselves the seeds of growth and capacity to do great things. We just let life get in the way. We can?t turn around, as I have, in another 20 years and wonder where it went. We all have to decide what it is that will make us truly happy and go for it. We?re not going to do anything unless we work outside our comfort zones. We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with so we need to spend time with people who share our visions. We DON?T need to spend time with negative people or doing things that bring us down a notch. We are incredibly resilient and resourceful beings if we believe we are. Ultimately, our lives need to be about why we were put on this planet and not just about making the next dollar.

I have cleaned up my diet, gotten completely off of the only drug I was taking (prilosec), starting to get some consistency in my exercise routine, meditate every morning and do yoga and stretch before bedtime. I am sleeping much better and feel better generally than I have in a long time. More on this in later posts too.

What Actions Have I Taken?

I have divested myself of almost all but my dearest internet holdings. I have committed to improving them and developing others that share a passion link. I will NOT undertake ANY project which does not resonate with my purpose in life. Namely, helping others to succeed in life, PERIOD! I have sketched out the basic direction this site will be going in and have committed to seeing it through step by step. More about that in the next post. You should start seeing changes coming within the next month. They may be subtle at first, but eventually this blog will be transformed into a blog for everybody engaged in making their lives count for something.

The first thing you will notice is this blog will not be just about how to make more money online. Sure, that will be an part of the mix but that?s not all there is to life and we all know it. The mission of this blog will be ?Aligning yourself with success.? Success is a many faceted thing and I want to share my insights and resources to help you achieve it-whatever that is for you.

Where Are You At?

Are you living the life you dreamed of? If you are, we would love to hear any tips you can share on how you got to that place. If you?re not, why not? What do you think has held you back the most and what are you going to do about it? Either way, leave me a comment and let me know what you are working on now and what challenges you?re facing.

As I?ve mentioned, in the coming weeks, months and years I?ll be breaking down the things that have helped and hurt me throughout my life online. I challenge you to stay tuned and be ready to jump in head first.

Next post: Rebuilding my blog for success

Follow me as I outline the changes I?ll need to make to this blog to get it up to date and helping as many people as possible. No stone will go unturned and nothing will be hidden from you. I?ll tell it like it is and show you exactly what I?m going to do and how I?ll do it. Stay tuned?.


48 Days To The Work You Love by Dan Miller. He also has a community site at 48days.net, a podcast and a blog.

Entrepreneur On Fire?A daily format-driven podcast by John Dumas where he talks each day with top entrpreneurs.

Internet Business Mastery?A membership site which focuses on growing a business in line with your Single Major Purpose in life. I have not joined yet but you can grab their podcast here and decide for yourself if they speak to you.

Michael Hyatt?Web site which concentrates on living with more passion, working with greater focus and leading with extraordinary influence. He is the author of Platform: How to get noticed in a noisy world and his podcast can be found here.

Smart Passive Income?This is Pat Flynn?s website and he shares his journey from out of work architect to entrepreneur with a hugely successful online business. His podcast can be found here.

The Science of Getting Rich?Based on a book by Wallace Wattles written in 1912, this system is about deciding in clear terms what you want and how to attract it to you.

Zig Ziglar?Do I really need to explain this entry? One of true great motivational speakers that ever lived. More than that, one of the most successful entrepreneurs as well. Sadly, he passed away in 2012 but you can still find his podcast here if you every find yourself needing what I call ?brain food.?

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Source: http://senjomarketing.com/how-to-stop-struggling-with-success/

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Italy economy minister to discuss new decree with EU Commissioner: source

On The Daily Show?last night, Jon Stewart went after Jeff Zucker's newfangled approach at CNN, taking aim at hologram goats, vegetarians who eat bacon, and horrifying murder recreations. Stewart screamed in horror after showing the network's segment on how the Jodi Arias murder happened. "This is the middle of the day," Stewart said. "That piece could have been seen by any child?traveling through an airport."?

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/italy-economy-minister-discuss-decree-eu-commissioner-source-132602678--business.html

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Calif. DA says Toyota to pay $16M settlement

(AP) ? A $16 million settlement over the safety recall of Toyota vehicles that were at risk for unintended acceleration and braking issues was announced Friday by Orange County prosecutors and Toyota Motor Corp.

The suit was one of a flood of cases brought against the automaker after more than 14 million vehicles were recalled in 2009 and 2010 __ many of them still waiting to be heard or settled.

In the suit, Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas claimed deceptive business practices, alleging Toyota had concealed safety issues related to its floor mats and "sticky" gas pedal issues. The suit sought $2,500 per violation under California's consumer protection laws

Under the settlement, Toyota continues to deny all the claims made by the suit.

"Having addressed floor mat and 'sticky pedal' issues with effective and durable solutions, we are gratified that Toyota vehicles are once again widely recognized as among the safest and most reliable on the road," Christopher P Reynolds, an attorney and vice president for Toyota, said in a statement.

In the past, the carmaker blamed driver error, faulty floor mats and stuck accelerator pedals for the problems.

A highway tragedy in suburban San Diego sparked the recalls and numerous lawsuits against the Japanese carmaker.

An off-duty California Highway Patrol officer and three family members were killed after he lost control of the car, a Toyota-built Lexus, in a grisly accident. The car reached speeds of more than 120 mph before it hit an SUV, launched off an embankment, rolled several times and burst into flames.

That case was settled for $10 million before similar cases were consolidated in federal court.

At the end of 2012, Toyota agreed to pay a $1 billion payout to settle claims from owners who said the value of their vehicles dropped after the recall.

In the Orange County case, half the $16 million will go to a gang reduction program and the other half will be used to pay the costs of the case and the pursuit of future economic crime cases.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2013-04-05-Toyota%20Lawsuit/id-63de871386634dd0adb50b7dae2dd891

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Scientists develop monkey model to study novel coronavirus infection

Apr. 3, 2013 ? National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers have developed a model of infection in rhesus macaques that will help scientists around the world better understand how an emerging coronavirus, first identified in September 2012, affects people.

The virus has so far infected at least 17 people in the Middle East and Europe, killing 11 of them. The NIH team established the nonhuman primate model in December 2012 and is using it to study how the virus causes disease and to evaluate potential vaccines and antiviral treatments.

The model shows that clinical signs of coronavirus disease appear within 24 hours of infection. These signs include reduced appetite, elevated temperature, increased respiratory rate, cough, goose bumps and hunched posture. In monkeys and humans, the infection causes disease deep in the lungs, leading to pneumonia. Scientists are exploring whether the virus' foothold in the lower respiratory tract impedes its ability to spread efficiently.

Researchers at NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) developed the model after obtaining coronavirus samples from collaborators at Erasmus Medical Center in The Netherlands.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Munster et al. Novel Human Coronavirus Causes Pneumonia in a Macaque Model Resembling Human Disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 2013; DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1215691

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/R9N7TBUrLZ4/130403200258.htm

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weekend: Antiques, Family Orienteering, VegOut! - in Bedford ...

Whether you're in search of something fun to do with the kids or you have a babysitter and are planning a night out, look no further because Patch editors have picked a variety of events taking place to help you make the most of your weekend. Click on the headline for more information of each event that's listed alphabetically by town.

When: Saturday, April 6, 9:30 a.m.

Where: Mount Kisco Elementary School

Cost: Free

Description: Come VegOut! Learn all there is to know about vegetable gardening... from design & construction... to plant care... to harvesting, cooking up and enjoying your bounty! Hosted by Bedford 2020 and Bedford Garden Club.

When: Saturday, April 6, 10 a.m.

Where: Westmoreland Sanctuary, Mt. Kisco

Cost: $15

Get ready for a day of fun, adventure, and exploration! Orienteering is a sport that uses map and compass to navigate your way as fast as you can through a woodland course of checkpoints. There will be three course levels from easy to challenging. There will be a Scavenger Hunt available for children from four to eight years old. The fee includes 3 maps for each of the 3 courses, waterproof map covers, instruction/training, and refreshments.

Bedford: Spring Antiques Show

When: Saturday, April 6, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday April 7, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., preview champagne party Friday night.

Where: The Harvey School in Katonah

Cost: $10

Description: Sponsored by St. Matthew's Church in Bedford, the Bedford Spring Antiques Show has a new venue this year: The Harvey School in Katonah. In addition to the new venue, the organizers of the show are delighted to have one of New York?s best known style connoisseurs, Carolyne Roehm, serve as Honorary Chair of the opening night Champagne Preview Party.

Where:?Lewisboro Library?at 15 Main Street in South Salem

When: 7 p.m. Friday

Cost: $5

Description: Part of the library's series of films that focus on the environment, this piece examines the global bee crisis. Organizers say attendees can expect to learn about the "heartfelt struggles of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers from around the world." There will be a discussion, too. Registration is required, so call 914-763-3857 for more information.?



Where: Spring and Main streets

When: 9AM-1PM

Description: Getting that urge for spring planting? The produce vendors at the Farmers Market have pansies, violas and all sorts of seedlings from parsley to chard. And pick up fresh fresh foods?fish and baked goods, farm-grown meats, baby greens, root vegetables, NY-produced tomato juice, cider donuts, cold-storage apples, etc etc.?

Cost: free

Where:?Flat Iron Gallery,?105 S Division St. in ?Peekskill

When:?Sunday, April 7, 2013 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Cost: Free

Description: The Flat Iron Gallery, located at 105 So. Division St., Peekskill, N.Y. will have a new solo art exhibit entitled, ?From Nature???plein air paintings and studio improvisations? by renown artist, Larry D?Amico. The show will be on display from April 4-April 28, 2013 and will be open Thursdays-Sundays, 12-6 and by appt. An artist reception will be held, Sunday, April 7th, from 1-5 pm.?D?Amico is well known for his Hudson paintings and others that depict scenes of? America?s rich and diverse landscape. Many are in private collections and the following corporate collections: Philip Morris Inc., IBM, U.S. State Dept., United Airlines, Aetna Life and Casualty, Pepsico, Time Warner, Inc., Deloit and Toucsh, Chemical Bank, Pace University, Kaiser Foundation, G.E., Reuben Donnelly, Namora Securites, H.I.P. of Greater N.Y., Newport News Ship Building, Astoria Federal Savings, Bank of Hawaii, Delta Airlines, Metro Media, and Verizon.

Where:?St John's Episcopal Church

When: Friday, April 5 from 7 to 9:30 p.m.

Cost: $30 adults, $25 seniors and $10 students

Description: Cris Groenendall is hosting an evening of Broadway music and performances, featuring Phantom of the Opera?selections by Pleasantville High School students. RSVP to?pvillecsf@gmail.com.

Where: Sleepy Hollow High School, 210 N. Broadway

When: Saturday, April 6, 8 p.m.

Cost: $30; $15 students.

Description: This spring season marks the end of the Tokyo String Quartet's 42-year run, but they will be forever known as one of the world?s leading quartets. For this special concert, their?last appearance on the Friends of Music Concert series, they will be?performing works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Zolt?n Kod?ly and Johannes Brahms. The group plays on a collection of instruments made by the famous Luthier Stradivari, known as the Paganini Quartet and have been captivating audiences and critics since their founding. For more info or to buy tickets visit?friendso?fmusicconcerts.?org.

Where:?Studio Around the Corner?at 67 Main Street in Brewster

When: 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, noon to 2 p.m. Saturday

Cost: Free

Description: This exhibit is set to feature something for everyone, with three artists showing a range of works. Attendees will view tableware by local potter Toni Levin; paintings by Ekaterina Piskareva, who lives in Carmel and was born in Russia; and paintings by award-winning artist Shelley Dell.

Where: John C. Hart Memorial Library, 1130 Main Street, Shrub Oak,

When:?Saturday, April 6, 2013 12 p.m.?

Cost:?Free and open to the public. For information contact the Reference Desk or call 914-245-5262, x-227

Description: The workshop is led by Mary Lou Sgro. Weave a Canterbury Shaker basket with a square base and round rim. Add color accents and choose a handle or leave it plain. Dimensions: 6x6x6, 10 in. tall with handle attached. For adults and teens, please register for this program. Limited to 12.

Where:?Don Tommaso's Bistro Italiano,?334 Underhill Ave,?Yorktown Heights

When:?Saturday, April 6, 2013, 12 p.m

Description:?10-percent of all sales will be donated to the?Dravet Syndrome Foundation?in honor of the owner Gemma Cuomo's grandson Max Meyerson.?Max currently has a seizure every two weeks, for which he must be given medicine to make it stop, despite the fact that he takes three different types of anti-seizure medications daily and is on a special diet to help control the seizures.?

Where:?Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center,?1271 Hanover St, Yorktown Heights,?NY?

When: 1 p.m. April 6

Description:?Interested in a yearly vegetable harvest, minus the hassle? Looking to spruce up your garden with new, hardy, self-sustaining varieties? Come join Hilltop Hanover farmer Mike Fedison for a fact-filled workshop on perennials?the vegetables that you only need to plant once. We'll teach you everything you need to know to keep these delicious veggies?asparagus, rhubarb, Jerusalem artichokes, and more?producing year after year. Registration is required

Cost: Free


About this column: A guide to weekend events in central and northern Westchester County for you and your family.


Source: http://bedford.patch.com/articles/weekend-antiques-family-orienteering-vegout

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'Why Kaufman county?' Locals wonder about DA murder

After Kaufman County district attorney Mike McClelland and his wife were found shot to death on Saturday, authorities are widening their search for the killer, looking into possible ties to local cases the DA's office prosecuted. NBC's Gabe Gutierrez.

By Gabe Gutierrez, Correspondent, NBC News

KAUFMAN, Texas ? At Texas Country Smokehouse?and Home Cooking, just across from the county courthouse, there?s someone missing.

Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland used to come here several days a week for lunch, drawn by the short walk, the barbeque and the atmosphere.

?He's going to be sorely missed,? said Lesa Metcalf, a regular at the barbecue joint. ?He was in the Army for 23 years ? and that shows some commitment.?

When locals learned about the murder of McLelland, 63, and his wife Cynthia, 65, over the weekend, many couldn?t believe it.

It was bad enough when Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse, 57, was gunned down not far from here two months ago. But the Easter weekend killing of the McLellands has been overwhelming.

?When I heard Saturday night, it made me sick,? Metcalf said. ?And I'm still in shock."

?Why Kaufman county??
About 20 miles southeast of Dallas, Kaufman County is more rural landscape than suburb.

Its biggest city is Terrell, with a population of 16,000. The county is named after David Spangler Kaufman, a politician who was the first Jewish Texan to serve in Congress.?

Interstate 20 ? a popular drug-trafficking route ? runs through the area. Methamphetamine?is common, but homicides are rare.

Authorities have been exploring the possibility that drug cartels could have been involved in the district attorney?s murder, but so far that theory has not been conclusive.

There also was speculation that a white supremacist group was involved. The Texas Department of Public Safety released a statewide bulletin late last year warning that Aryan Brotherhood of Texas was planning retaliation against law enforcement officials after a series of indictments in Houston.

The Kaufman County DA?s office was one of many involved in that investigation, but did not play a huge role.

?They were involved in the peripheral,? said Pete Schulte, a former prosecutor who is now an attorney in Dallas.? ?The question is going to come down to, ?Why Kaufman county??? It's such a small county.?

Looking at old cases?
So as part of the wide-ranging probe, investigators are also examining local cases the DA?s office prosecuted.

Among those questioned was Eric Williams, a former justice of the peace who lost his job last year when he was convicted of taking three computer monitors from a county building. The case was prosecuted by Hasse.

Williams, who is appealing that conviction, told NBC affiliate KPRC investigators contacted him on Saturday night ? hours after the murders ? asked to meet at a local restaurant. He?said no investigator has suggested that he is a ?person of interest,? and he is voluntarily cooperating with the investigation because he believes all scenarios should be considered in a high-profile murder.

"They did a gun residue test," Williams said. "I gave them my cell phone so they could get all the info they wanted."

Williams denied making any threats ? and said he holds no grudges, expressing shock at the killings.

"My heart-felt condolences go out to both the McLelland family and the Hasse family,? he said.

A federal official familiar with the investigation said others who might have a grudge against the victims are also under scrutiny.?

The murders of Hasse and McLelland have been difficult to connect because they were so different, sources said. Hasse was killed with a revolver. McLelland was shot repeatedly with an assault weapon. ?

Investigators are analyzing the .233-caliber shell casings found at the scene. According to a search warrant affidavit released Monday, they are also subpoenaing cell phone records.

'Keep going'
Local officials have said very little publicly.

?I'm optimistic,? said Bruce Wood, the county judge. ?There are literally hundreds of people working on this case.?

Armed guards escort county workers every morning as they arrive at the courthouse.

?I'm trying to keep my staff reassured that we're going to keep going and keep doing the best we can,? said David Lewis, a county employee.



Source: http://feeds.nbcnews.com/c/35002/f/653381/s/2a4ba6db/l/0Lusnews0Bnbcnews0N0C0Inews0C20A130C0A40C0A30C175853310Ewhy0Ekaufman0Ecounty0Elocals0Ewonder0Eabout0Eda0Emurder0Dlite/story01.htm

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Diversification in ancient tadpole shrimps challenges the term 'living fossil'

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The term 'living fossil' has a controversial history. For decades, scientists have argued about its usefulness as it appears to suggest that some organisms have stopped evolving. New research has now investigated the origin of tadpole shrimps, a group commonly regarded as 'living fossils' which includes the familiar Triops. The research reveals that living species of tadpole shrimp are much younger than the fossils they so much resemble, calling into question the term 'living fossil'.

Darwin informally introduced the term 'living fossil' in On the Origin of Species when talking about the platypus and lungfish, groups that appear to have diversified little and appear not to have changed over millions of years. For him living fossils were odd remnants of formerly more diverse groups, and suggestive of a connection between different extant groups. Ever since, the term has been widely used to describe organisms such as the coelacanth, the horseshoe crab and the ginkgo tree. The term has been controversial, as it appears to suggest that evolution has stopped altogether for these organisms, and some scientists have argued that it should be abandoned.

Tadpole shrimps are a small group of ancient crustaceans (a group which includes the familiar Triops) that are often called 'living fossils', because the living species look virtually identical to fossils older than the dinosaurs. Analysing DNA sequences of all known tadpole shrimps, and using fossils from related crustacean groups ? such as the water flea and the brine shrimp ? the team of researchers, from the University of Hull, University of Leicester and the Natural History Museum in London, showed that tadpole shrimps have in fact undergone several periods of radiation and extinction.

Different species of tadpole shrimp often look very similar (they are called 'cryptic species'), and so it is only with the advent of DNA sequencing that scientists have realized that they are a surprisingly diverse group. The team's results uncovered a total of 38 species, many of them still undescribed. This abundance of 'cryptic species' makes it very difficult for fossils to be assigned to any particular species as they all look remarkably similar. For example, 250-million-year-old fossils have been assigned to the living European species Triops cancriformis whereas the team's results indicate that the living T. cancriformis evolved less than 25 million years ago. First author Tom Mathers says "In groups like tadpole shrimps where cryptic speciation is common, the fossil record says very little about patterns of evolution and diversification and so the term 'living fossil' can be quite misleading. For this reason, we used fossils from related groups to gain an understanding about the evolution of tadpole shrimps".

The lead author Africa G?mez said, "Living fossils evolve like any other organism, they just happen to have a good body plan that has survived the test of time. A good analogy could be made with cars. For example the Mini has an old design that is still selling, but newly made Minis have electronic windows, GPS and airbags: in that sense, they are still 'evolving', they are not unchanged but most of the change has been 'under the hood' rather than external. By comparison, organisms labeled as 'living fossils' such as tadpole shrimps, are constantly fine-tuning their adaptation to their environment. Although outwardly they look very similar to tadpole shrimp fossils from the age of the dinosaurs, their DNA and reproductive strategies are relatively hidden features that are constantly evolving. The flexibility of their reproductive strategies, which our research has revealed, could be the evolutionary trick that has allowed them to persist as a morphologically conservative group for so long"


The new study is published today in PeerJ, a new peer reviewed open access journal in which all articles are freely available to everyone (https://PeerJ.com).

PeerJ: http://https://peerj.com

Thanks to PeerJ for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 45 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/127552/Diversification_in_ancient_tadpole_shrimps_challenges_the_term__living_fossil_

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Facebook Home UI pictured in more leaked images ahead of tomorrow's event

Facebook Home UI pictured in more leaked images

We've already seen leaked images of the HTC First smartphone purported to be launching at tomorrow's Facebook event, as well as what appears to be its APK, and we now have our best look yet at the Facebook-infused UI you can expect on the device. As you can see above in the image from @evleaks (and others at the source link below), the apparent Facebook Home hub doesn't exactly scream Facebook, although there unsurprisingly appears to be deep Facebook integration throughout. There are only a handful of images though, so there's still a fair bit that remains unknown. We'd say to check back tomorrow for more, but at the rate these leaks have been turning up we may well get yet another look at what's in store before then.

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Source: 9 to 5 Google

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/Lh_Qe_iLCgY/

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